Forged on the muddy river banks of the Big C, in below zero temps, thick fog, thin cover and with plenty of competition we honed our craft. Hunting takes focus, endurance, and determination. You become consumed and addicted. Day in and day out we returned to learn more not only about the fowl we pursue but about ourselves. As we went on our desire to share our passion brought us to form more than a brand. More than just gear. This is a team. A team that shares the same passion and commitment for the hunt. Our message, like our logo is strong simple and clean. Here at Dekes Waterfowl we strive to share the traditions of waterfowling not only through social media but how we carry ourselves in the field. Respecting everything from the land, the game and other hunters. We are here to set the example for all. We are here for more than tailgate trophy days. This is about the bonds formed through hunting and passing that on to the